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News > The Wyvern Review > From the Deputy Master - 'AT HOME'

From the Deputy Master - 'AT HOME'

Semester 1 Reflection
Deputy Master's 'AT HOME' - 05.06.23
Deputy Master's 'AT HOME' - 05.06.23


Class of 2023

As I reflect on the last 8 weeks here at King's, I have observed an incredible amount in such a short time. A common question that I'm asked by prospective King's Collegians during enrolment interviews.... 'Can you please tell me what the culture is like amongst the students at King's?'. Whilst culture can sometimes be a hard thing to describe in words, there are several events and activities that I have observed that allow me to better understand the culture that is King's College. 

Pictured above is the 2023 King's College Student Club, enjoying some time together away from the hustle and bustle of lectures, sport, and tutorials. My family and I enjoyed the evening catching up with the Executive at the Deputy Master's Residence, the first in a series of student leader catchups. 

The semester has been full of Sport, Cultural, Social and Academic activities. I would like to commend all students and staff who have come together to create a culture here that is one of commitment, passion and resilience. I would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a fantastic break and every success as you finish you Semester 1 examinations. 

Andrew Eunson - Deputy Master



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