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News > The Wyvern Review > From the Acting CEO - The Importance of Continuing Strong to the End

From the Acting CEO - The Importance of Continuing Strong to the End

Insights from King's College, UQ
Students in Learning Centre 2024
Students in Learning Centre 2024

In the journey of education and personal growth, the mantra of "continuing strong to the end" holds paramount importance. This ethos is particularly relevant within the context of the Australian college system, and notably at institutions such as King's College at the University of Queensland (UQ). By embracing commitment, respect for others, setting and maintaining high expectations, and understanding the value of delayed gratification, students can navigate their academic and personal lives with resilience and purpose. This article delves into these principles and illustrates their significance through the lens of King's.

Commitment is the cornerstone of any successful endeavour. In the context of higher education, it translates to unwavering dedication to one's studies, extracurricular activities, and personal development. At King's, commitment is not just expected; it is cultivated through a supportive environment that encourages students to pursue excellence in all areas of life.

"Success is no accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing or learning to do," said Pelé, the legendary footballer. This quote resonates deeply within the halls of King's College, where students are encouraged to embody these values. The commitment seen in students is reflected in their academic achievements and the strong sense of community they build, which supports them in times of challenge and triumph.

A 2022 report by the Australian Department of Education highlighted that students who demonstrate a high level of commitment to their studies are more likely to achieve academic success and personal satisfaction. This correlation underscores the importance of fostering a culture of dedication and perseverance, as seen at King's.

Respect for others is a fundamental value that underpins the social fabric of any academic institution. At King's, respect is woven into the very part of the community, promoting a harmonious and inclusive environment where every student feels valued.

Respect manifests in various forms—listening attentively during discussions, acknowledging diverse perspectives, and showing empathy and support to peers. King's students are taught to uphold these values, which not only enhance their interpersonal relationships but also prepare them for collaborative and multicultural work environments in the future.

In 2023, the Australian Human Rights Commission reported that educational institutions with a strong culture of respect and inclusivity have lower incidences of bullying and discrimination. This finding reinforces the importance of respect as a key ingredient for a positive and productive academic experience.

Respect for others is a core value at King's College, fostering a diverse and inclusive community. The College's diversity initiatives and cultural exchange programs have been recognised in various university publications, highlighting the positive impact of a respectful and supportive environment.

Setting high expectations is a critical driver of success. Students should be encouraged to aim high and push the boundaries of their potential. This culture of excellence is fostered through rigorous academic programs, mentorship, and a plethora of opportunity.

Maintaining high expectations involves consistent effort, resilience in the face of setbacks, and a commitment to continuous improvement. King's provides a supportive environment where students can pursue their goals with confidence and receive the guidance they need to overcome challenges.

Setting and maintaining high expectations is ingrained in our culture. The College's academic and athletic programs are designed to challenge students and push them to reach their full potential. The success stories of King's College alumni, many of whom have gone on to achieve remarkable success in their respective fields, are a testament to the power of high expectations.

One of the most crucial lessons imparted at King's is the value of delayed gratification and celebrating at the right time. In a world that often prioritises instant rewards, understanding the importance of working hard and waiting for the right moment to celebrate is a vital skill.

Delayed gratification involves prioritising long-term goals over immediate pleasures. For King's students, this means focusing on their studies and personal development throughout the academic year, with the understanding that their efforts will culminate in well-deserved celebrations and achievements. It also means that students need to respect that some in the community are working hard on assessment right to the end, and so need to be given the same respect around noise and activities.

Psychologist Walter Mischel's famous "marshmallow test" study demonstrated that children who were able to delay gratification tended to have better life outcomes in terms of academic success, health, and overall wellbeing. This principle is echoed in the experiences of students, who learn to balance their efforts and rewards effectively.

King's College is a prime example of an institution that embodies these values. The commitment of King's students is evident in their academic achievements. According to UQ's 2023 Student Achievement Report, King's College students consistently perform at the top of their classes, with many earning prestigious scholarships and awards. This success is a testament to the College's emphasis on dedication and hard work.

In the journey of education and personal development, the principles of commitment, respect for others, setting and maintaining high expectations, and understanding the value of delayed gratification are essential. By embracing these principles, students at King's College are well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities of their academic and personal lives. They learn the importance of dedication, the power of respect, the value of high standards, and the wisdom of celebrating at the right time. These lessons are not only crucial for their time at college but also serve as a foundation for their future endeavours.

As we reflect on the importance of continuing strong to the end, it is clear that the journey is just as important as the destination. The experiences and lessons learned along the way shape individuals into resilient, respectful, and accomplished members of society. At King's, students are not only prepared for academic success but are also equipped with the values and skills needed to thrive in all aspects of life.


Australian Department of Education. (2022). Student Commitment and Academic Success. Retrieved from Department of Education

Australian Human Rights Commission. (2023). Respect and Inclusivity in Educational Institutions. Retrieved from Human Rights Commission

Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC). (2023). Academic Performance and Admission Statistics. Retrieved from QTAC

Mischel, W. (2014). The Marshmallow Test: Understanding Self-Control and How To Master It. Little, Brown and Company.

University of Queensland. (2023). Student Achievement Report. Retrieved from UQ

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