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News > The Wyvern Review > Internships, Leadership, and Mentorship at King's College

Internships, Leadership, and Mentorship at King's College

Keep striving for continuous growth.
Continuous Growth
Continuous Growth

It’s hard to believe we are approaching the end of semester 1 already but the chilly nights, and the exam schedule, confirm we have indeed come a long way from O week.

I hope you have enjoyed this first half of the year as much as I have. Thank you for engaging in events, workshops, and careers presentations. The appetite for careers support this semester has been big, and I look forward to continuing this momentum into semester 2.

Before you go on break, I have a couple of points to share with you.


If you are keen to work this summer but haven't yet applied for vacation work opportunities, could it be it’s because you don’t have a resume, or are you unsure on where to look for work? While some companies have already selected their 2024/25 summer interns, there are still openings available as well as potential for second-round recruitment yet to come. If you would like support, I am here to help.

I usually meet with students at least twice for 30-45 minutes each time. In the first meeting, we discuss the type of job or company you are aiming for. We review your resume and talk about how to write a cover letter that gets you onto the ‘yes’ list and if you have a LinkedIn profile we can look at that together too. I will provide you with a resume and cover letter template and help you make your professional documents the best they can be. I will also create a spreadsheet, personal to you, with links to live vacancies you can apply for and get your job search underway. In subsequent meetings, we will review updates to your resume, discuss your application progress, and start preparing your answers to likely job interview questions. 

This is a common example of the one-on-one consultations I have with students but really it's up to you to decide the nature of the support you want to receive. I will be at King's throughout the break and can assist you in person, over the phone or via Teams.


Do you see yourself as a leader? Our student leaders play a pivotal role in the college's operations, working closely with other Resident Leaders (RLs), the Associate Deans of Student Support (ADSS), and the college executive team.

Past RLs have used this experience to explore their personal leadership styles, tackle complex problems, and embrace challenges that push them out of their comfort zones. If joining the 2025 leadership team has not yet factored into your thinking, I encourage you to use the break to start thinking about the opportunity. In terms of boosting your employability, these highly visible roles offer you a unique opportunity to develop professional skills that are highly sought after by employers, such as leadership, communication, problem-solving, time management, collaboration, and teamwork. With so much to gain, why not go for it?

To help you prepare, I will be conducting two workshops:

Resume Writing Workshop - Wednesday, August 21st at 3pm

Interview Skills Workshop - Wednesday, August 28th at 3pm

Additionally, you are welcome to schedule one-on-one meetings with me to discuss these roles, or any other career-related topic at any time.

Applications for the 2025 student leadership team roles open on September 20th.


If you are a third year + student or a 2nd year student leader, you will soon receive an invitation to apply for the inaugural King's College Mentor Program. A mentor is someone who offers knowledge, insight, perspective, and wisdom that is useful to another person. A professional role model, a mentor may also become an advocate and friend. 

It’s your choice what you want to achieve with the help of your mentor but overall, the goal is to use the experience to aide your transition from university to the workplace. This could include gaining clarity on career pathways, learning about organisational culture and professional behaviours at work, building your confidence in an interview or networking situation or getting help to secure an employment opportunity.

The program is committed to find all eligible applicants a mentor from our industry partner contacts or supportive Old Collegian network. In matching you with a mentor we will consider all your responses to the applicant questionnaire - focusing on your goals for the mentor/mentee relationship and your chosen industry/career pathway. You will get the chance to meet your matched mentor at the launch event on July 30th and will continue to engage with them for at least 4 months.

Great careers rarely fall into your lap so put the effort in NOW by engaging in new experiences and reap the benefits in the future. 

I’m excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for every student at King’s and I look forward to helping you reach your goals. Whether you are looking for general career advice, seeking a summer internship, wish to be a leader or gain a mentor, I’m here to support your journey.

Wishing you the best of luck with your exams and a wonderful winter break!


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