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News > The Wyvern Review > Mental Health Week

Mental Health Week

Connecting over a Hetty & Herms Coffee
Connecting over a Hetty & Herms Coffee

This week we acknowledged Mental Health in Queensland. The aim of the week is to shine a spotlight on individual and community mental health and wellbeing.

It gives us an opportunity to understand the importance of mental health in our everyday lives regardless of whether we have a lived experience of a mental illness or not.

To promote this year's theme of 'awareness, belonging and connection' we got together over a coffee and talked about the importance of being aware of our expectations. According to Ash Barty's 'mindset coach,' the two biggest 'performance killers' are:

1.    Expectations of outcomes (e.g. I expect a GPA of 6)

2.   Expectations of others (e.g. I expect people will only say positive things about me).

We can't control these things. Wanting to control is the definition of anxiety, stress and pressure.

We need to accept things we can't control and let them go and focus on the only thing we can control which is:

          - how hard we study

         - how we treat others

         - how we speak to ourselves.

To continue improving your mental health I encourage you to keep connecting with others and try to focus only on the expectations you put on yourself.

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