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News > The Wyvern Review > Which bus are you driving today?

Which bus are you driving today?

At King's College we strive for excellence in all that we do.
Blu Bus Session - Monday 11 November 2023
Blu Bus Session - Monday 11 November 2023

This week we were fortunate to learn from leadership and coaching experts George Fonua and Beck Melville about how we can build cultures of excellence simply by understanding what bus we are driving.

Not only did they teach us the research behind the importance of self-awareness and self-control to discover our 'blind spots,' but they gave us a simple and practical language that our students can use to encourage our community to get on the 'blue bus' and drive towards a thriving future.

Thank you to all the students who volunteered to be part of this special opportunity. It shows that you really care about making a difference at Kings.

We are looking forward to the next Blue Bus Session on October 18th. 

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