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News > The Wyvern Review > RUOK?


The theme for R U OK? Day this week was, “I'm here to hear.”
RUOK Day 2023
RUOK Day 2023

This theme is about creating space to have meaningful conversations.

Choose a time and a place where you can give your full attention to the people you care about, free of distractions. A walk along the river, sit down over coffee or enjoy a quiet night in. Let people in your world know you are here to really hear.

R U OK? conducted research to understand what a meaningful conversation looks like for Australians and came up with three common factors:

1.     Trust: People are more likely to open up to someone they are close to and trust.

2.     Authenticity: People are more likely to open up if they know someone genuinely wants to hear what they have to say.

3.     Environment: Place is key to feeling safe and opening up. A private space is preferred, with no time restrictions.

By taking time for an R U OK? conversation and genuinely listening with an open mind, we can all help the people in our world feel supported and connected.


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