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Student Interview

Student Interview with Charlie Wigan
Charlie Wigan
Charlie Wigan


Class of 2023

A Showcase of Charlie Wigan’s College Life: Lead Singer of the King’s Band WhyVern? And Much More


This week I sat down with Charlie Wigan, lead singer of the King’s College band to discuss his cultural passions and more. Being involved in music and performance from a young age, Charlie tells us what it is like being involved in the cultural side of King’s and what else he is passionate about.

Charlie, a first-year King’s resident, grew up in Toowoomba and graduated from Toowoomba Grammar School before coming to college. With passions for both sports and cultural activities, Charlie has been able to pursue what he loves at college in his first semester. King’s cultural executive, Flynn Boorer, knew Charlie could sing and wanted him to lead the band and ever since has enjoyed performing to audiences at events throughout the semester.

Charlie became involved in music in primary school where he was made to learn the saxophone and be in the choir. He quickly learnt to love performing in anything growing up: musicals, drama, and the high school’s lead singer. But after not doing much for a couple of years, he thought he would give it another crack.

Why? Vern came together at the beginning of this year and play any songs that they love that will get the crowd singing along. For Charlie, his most memorable performance of this year was at King’s Formal in May. As soon as Charlie and the rest of the band stepped onto the stage, the crowd sang along and had the best time. They played songs from Valerie, Before He Cheats and How to Save a Life.

Apart from being involved with the cultural aspects of King’s, Charlie spends most of his time playing rugby multiple times a week training hard. He plays for the University of Queensland Rugby Club and the Queensland Reds Academy. As a busy and well-rounded person, Charlie has made the sacrifices he needs to achieve his goals. He backs himself and allows time to be selfish to make sure he leads a balanced life.

When asked about his advice for other King’s students looking to pursue their passions, Charlie emphasizes the importance of being true to oneself and stepping out of one's comfort zone. He believes that college is the perfect opportunity to explore new interests and meet new people. Charlie embraces each day to the fullest by pursuing his passions and encourages others to do the same.


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