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News > From the Deputy CEO > From the Deputy CEO - Friday 12 April, 2024

From the Deputy CEO - Friday 12 April, 2024

A busy restart
Rugby Camp 03.04.24
Rugby Camp 03.04.24

As the week rounds off, I find myself reflecting on many of the conversations I've had with staff and students through the week. There is such a lot that occurs here at the College and I'm amazed at just how much everyone seems to fit into their schedules. 

Colleges are amazing places and King's continues to demonstrate that we commit to things and strive for excellence in all that we do. As we are now past the beginning of the year, I would challenge you all around a few thoughts....

  • Are you taking advantage of all that King's offers?
  • Are you putting your best foot forward academically, sporting wise, culturally, within the community and socially?
  • Are you making new friends?
  • Are you being accepting and respectful of others?
  • Are you progressing your future ambitions?
  • Are you building onto and into this great community?

As we move through the semester, remember, these years will soon disappear and I don't want you to regret any missed opportunities. 


I'm yet to have a conversation with a resident or associate who has answered 'yes' when asked 'Have you read the College Handbook?' Just this week, this came crashing down for a couple of students so can I suggest all students make this a priority. College Handbook – King's College (

King's Kit

A quick reminder, especially for returners, that we have King's Kit available for purchase. I would hate it if people missed out of getting some of this kit so please reach out to me. We have caps, socks (both long and short), shirts, jerseys, singlets and shorts. 

Flu Shots

Bookings are now open for the annual UQ flu vaccination program, which will run from Monday 22 April until mid-May 2024.  The free vaccine program is open to all staff, students and staff of UQ affiliates aged 18 and over. Vaccinations will be available at many UQ locations, including all 4 campuses, Indooroopilly, Long Pocket, Mater Hospital, 308 Queen St, and Toowong. 

Book a flu vaccine at UQ ›   

The under 18 students can make an appointment at UQ Medical Centre St Lucia to have their flu vaccination.

Please feel free to forward this email onto others as appropriate and please contact me or if you have any queries.

Aircon Units

Now that the warmer months are over, students are instructed to start turning off aircon units and removing or storing them. Students will be directed to do so by staff when seen around the College from next week. 

Coming Up

  • Women's Table Tennis and Men's Cricket - 13.04.24
  • Men's Cricket and Table Tennis - 14.04.24
  • KCSC Meeting - 15.04.24
  • Fresher Formal Dinner - 5.30pm 15.04.24
  • Debating @ IH - 9.00pm 15.04.24
  • Club Netball Training - 6.30am 17.04.24
  • Men's AFL - 9.05pm 17.04.24
  • Women's AFL - 5.15pm & 8.45pm 18.04.24
  • Churchie Visit by Deputy CEO - 19.04.24
  • Men's Cricket - 20.04.24
  • Club Netball - 12.25pm & 3.30pm @ Western Districts Graceville 20.04.24

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