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News > From the Deputy CEO > From the Deputy CEO 22.03.24

From the Deputy CEO 22.03.24

Community and Nature
Clean Up Australia Day - 03.03.24
Clean Up Australia Day - 03.03.24

A few weeks ago, I was encouraged by the large group of King's Collegians who embraced the Clean Up Australia Day initiative. As I shared with a student recently, one of the most common comments made to me at Bushcare each week is that once there, in the environment, with mates, a feeling of happiness and purpose is experienced. Interestingly, on this day I was not able to be a part of the initiative as I too was engaging with my own mates in nature, scuba diving with the Manta Rays off North Stradbroke Island. These moments are special, and the photo above demonstrates clearly the connection we do have together and with the place we live. 

Congratulations to everyone who took part in this initiative. 


Students are reminded that they are not to bring in cooking appliances to use at the College, especially in spaces not designed for cooking i.e. bathrooms, small kitchenettes. There are two main reasons for this. 

  1. the smoke detectors in kitchens operate differently to those in bathrooms and common rooms.
  2. the strain of these appliances on power circuits trip the system and impact others.

This week, the College passed on a fire call-out charge for the abovementioned reasons, as outlined in the Student Handbook. 


I would like to commend the College for your part in the recycling initiative at last week's Quad Sesh and last night's 2nd year drinks. We collected 40+ bags which totals to around 2000 cans/bottles not going to landfill. This is a little alarming to think about on its own. I would encourage everyone to engage further in these initiatives. 

Clean Up Australia Day - James Hall (Community Convenor)

We've just finished our Clean Up Australia event— great success! Altogether we had 45 people help and we managed to fill 12 garbage bags. What a great start to the year, let's keep this momentum going. 

We started at the rowing shed, splitting up into groups. The first went along the riverbank towards Andrew's house, then towards the basketball court / college area. The rest cleaned up along the rowing shed area and in Esplanade Park, until we found a snake and decided to stay in the grassy area. We then went up The Esplanade, until around the beginning of the golf club then we saw Emmanuel College heading to us, so we decided to end it there. 


Last year, the College arranged for a Physio to come in regularly for students. Interest in this waned at the end of last year. If this is something you would be keen to have, please email Andrew Eunson (, 

Coming Up

  • Friday 22 March - ICC Tennis 4pm
  • Friday 22 March - Rockhampton 'AT HOME' with the Deputy CEO
  • Saturday 23 March - ICC Volleyball
  • Saturday 23 March - Cromwell Open Bunker
  • Sunday 24 March - ICC Volleyball
  • Monday 25 March - ADSS and RL Meeting
  • Monday 25 March - KCSC Executive Meeting
  • Monday 25 March - KC Rugby Club AGM
  • Monday 25 March - ICC Debating
  • Tuesday 26 March - Stage 1 Geotech works (Rowing Shed and Deputy Residence)
  • Tuesday 26 March - Choral Fest Rehearsal (Chapel 7.30pm)
  • Wednesday 27 March - A & B Flat Bushcare 7am
  • Wednesday 27 March - ICC Tennis
  • Thursday 28 March - Edition of Wyvern Review
  • Friday 29 March - Good Friday

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