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News > The Wyvern Review > Student Interview - Chelsea Nichols

Student Interview - Chelsea Nichols

Liveris Scholar Chelsea Nichols Shares Her Experience Growing Up in Dubai and Her Love for Rugby
Student Interview with Liveris Scholar Chelsea Nichols
Student Interview with Liveris Scholar Chelsea Nichols

Written by Ruby Wolfe - WATCH VIDEO HERE

Maths and commerce student, Chelsea, grew up in Dubai until moving back to Brisbane by herself to begin university. Originally from Australia, Chelsea since high school aspired to come back to Brisbane to attend the University of Queensland. She studied A-Levels under the British curriculum and completed maths, chemistry, and geography. She was particularly drawn to the intensity of maths, which led her to choose her degree.

Chelsea is one of five people each year to receive the Liveris Scholarship under the Liveris Academy at UQ. The best way Chelsea could describe the academy was a group of young minds who come together to create a more sustainable and innovative world. Chelsea attends weekly meetings, in which she can meet industry professionals from STEM fields.

Chelsea makes the most out of her academics through regularly use of the Learning Centre and the tutorial program. She has found hidden tips and regular advice for how to succeed in her courses when attending the King’s weekly tutorials – especially when beginning her maths assignments.

As well as being a strong academic, Chelsea loves to play rugby. She learnt to first play in Dubai at a small program called Warriors. During Year 7, Chelsea and her mum put together the first female rugby team at this club. Since then, the female rugby program at Warriors has flourished and is stronger than ever today thanks to Chelsea and her family.  

Coming back from a torn ACL injury this past year, Chelsea has loved being able to be involved in the King’s community by playing on the Women’s Rugby 7s team. The sporting opportunities are what first drew her to apply to King’s College, so being able to finally play has been a dream for her.

Chelsea has not experienced as many challenges as she thought she would. Instead, it has been the smaller things: having less contact with her family and having to become more independent like most college students.

Thank you Chelsea for sitting down with the Wyvern Review to share your experiences growing up in Dubai and what her academic inspirations are for the future.

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