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Prepare for Success - Seizing Opportunities on the Path to Your Career
24 Aug 2023
Written by Lynda Murphy
The Wyvern Review
Success takes preparation
Success takes preparation

"Success occurs when opportunity meets preparation." - Zig Ziglar

This powerful quote by Zig Ziglar has echoed through the halls of inspiration for years, and for a good reason. Its timeless wisdom reminds us that while opportunities are the doorways to our dreams, it's our preparation that determines how well we can walk through them.

For university students, the journey from university to the professional world is an exciting yet challenging one. As we near the end of 2023, it's an opportune time to think about when you will delve into the world of career readiness to ensure you are well-equipped to seize the opportunities that lie ahead.

The Power of Preparation

Opportunities abound at King's College so it's easy to overlook the role of preparation in achieving success. While opportunities open doors, it's your readiness and preparation that determine how far you can go once you step through. At King's we are proud to offer a range of support including a comprehensive Careers and Employability program that includes one on one assistance and group workshops for topics such as resume writing and interview skills. Also, five Careers Week initiatives each year for Law, Finance & Business, Humanities, Engineering & IT and Health & Medical Sciences students. Careers Week is an opportunity for you to immerse yourself in events linked to your future. Use the week for meaningful engagement with Old Collegians and industry professionals to boost your career awareness and professional network. A range of sessions are on offer with guest presenters attending from industry, university and professional associations. A highlight is a KOCA networking event featuring an industry panel who will share industry insights and advice that cannot be found in a university course. Industry contacts come to King’s for a variety of reasons, not least to source new talent to fill their job vacancies. Employment opportunities following Careers Week introductions are common so it's important you attend. 

As university students gearing up to venture into the workforce, the journey of preparation begins now so embrace the opportunity laid before you and engage in the support offered at King's such as the upcoming workshop: 

Interview Skills - Wednesday 30 August @ 3pm, King’s Chapel - A great resume may get you noticed, but it's your interview that will truly demonstrate your suitability for a role. In this workshop, you'll gain insights into effective communication, body language, and responding to challenging questions. Mastering these skills can boost your confidence and enhance your ability to present yourself as the ideal candidate.

Embracing the Opportunities in Health & Medical Sciences Career Week

Monday 11 September - Friday 15 September: This dedicated week offers a unique chance to explore various avenues within the field and gain insights from professionals who have already walked the path you're embarking on. Review the schedule and register to attend as many sessions as you can to deepen your understanding of the industry, network with experts, and identify potential career pathways.

One evening you won't want to miss is the Whyte Pegg Society professional development event. Since its foundation, King’s College has produced many graduates who have successfully contributed, and continue to contribute, to the health/medical sector. Building on that strong foundation the Whyte Pegg Society is a platform upon which current health/medical students, as well as representatives from industry can meet and network for their mutual benefit. Attending the event can provide you with invaluable connections, mentorship opportunities, and a glimpse into the real-world challenges and breakthroughs in the field.

The Convergence of Preparation and Opportunity

As you gear up for completion of the academic year, embrace the spirit of readiness. Take time to benefit from the support on offer at King’s. Polish your resume, refine your interview skills, and immerse yourself in the world of health and medical sciences. By embodying the philosophy of preparation meeting opportunity, you're setting the stage for bright future.

Success truly emerges when preparation and opportunity converge. By actively participating in workshops, attending career-focused events, and seeking mentorship from professionals, you're aligning yourself with the very essence of Zig Ziglar's profound words. Remember that your journey from university to the professional world is not just about getting a job—it's about embarking on a fulfilling career that aligns with your passions and strengths.

So, mark your calendars, attend sessions, and embrace the journey towards your dream career. The doors of opportunity are waiting, and with your preparation, they're ready to swing wide open.

Access the Health & Medical Sciences Careers Week schedule here. 

Preparing for mid-semester assessment

It’s been a very few weeks in the Learning Centre and it’s great to see so many students attending tutorials!  I hope you will continue to take advantage of the academic support provided to you throughout the semester. As a reminder, the tutorial schedule is posted in the Learning Centre and the online community platform each week.

If you have any questions about the tutorials or do not see your subject listed on the tutorial schedule and would like tutoring, please let me know.

Before you know it your assignments will be due and mid-semester exams will be here so stay on top of your workload as much as you can, and if you need any additional assistance don't hesitate to ask.

Remember support available includes time with our Writing Consultant (Brian) who can assist with the following:

  • academic writing skills (e.g., grammar, punctuation, structure etc.)
  • assignment preparation
  • analysing/researching a topic
  • referencing
  • editing and proof-reading

Be sure to take note of the upcoming Census dates: UQ-31 August and ACU-31 August. Census is the last day to drop a subject without financial liability. Come see me if you have any questions about Census date and/or adjusting your enrolment.

See you in the LC!


Ms Lynda Murphy - Associate Director of Academic and Career Services


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