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News > The Wyvern Review > From the Associate Director of Academic & Career Services - Ms Lynda Murphy

From the Associate Director of Academic & Career Services - Ms Lynda Murphy

Engineering and IT Careers Week 2023: Unleashing Your Professional Potential!
14-18 August 2023
14-18 August 2023

Are you a student eager to step into the world of Engineering or IT or still uncertain about your career pathway? Look no further! Engineering and IT Careers Week 2023 brings you a great lineup of events designed to inspire, educate, and connect you with industry professionals and Old Collegians to guide you on your path to a prosperous career.

Monday's Double – open to students from any academic discipline

Monday kicks off with two great sessions open to students of any academic discipline.

First up is a "Lunch and Learn" session at 12:30pm in the chapel, with Joel Martin, a seasoned recruitment specialist with over two decades of experience. Joel is a master networker, and he will reveal the secrets to building meaningful connections that foster an effective professional network. So, bring your lunch and prepare to be inspired!

Later in the afternoon at 3pm, join the virtual session with FDM Group, hear of an incredible opportunity for those interested in pursuing a career in technology. The best part? FDM's graduate program welcomes students from all disciplines, not just STEM. Imagine yourself working alongside prestigious companies like KPMG and Commonwealth Bank in areas ranging from Business Analysis to Cloud Computing Engineering and more.

Tuesday's Insights from Fyfe

Tuesday brings an insightful session with the Fyfe team at 5:30pm in the chapel. Discover how engineers from various disciplines collaborate effectively on complex projects. This session will showcase the power of teamwork and interdisciplinary approaches, vital skills that make engineers invaluable contributors to innovative solutions.

Jaron Whalley, Principal Mechanical Engineer, Hydrogen & Hydrocarbons, will share an update on hydrogen and the future of renewable energy in Australia. As hydrogen's potential is explored at an unprecedented level, Fyfe's engineering expertise in pipelines and above-ground facilities places them at the forefront of the transition to hydrogen fuel.

The Highlight: KOCA Watson Miles Society Professional Development Event for Engineers

Immediately following the Fyfe session, the highlight of the week is undoubtedly the Watson Miles Society Professional Development Event. This annual event features an industry panel comprised of experienced professionals. The 2023 panel members are:

  • Mikaela Gallagher: Civil Engineer - Water Utilities, WSP.
  • Rich Nagle: Project Delivery Manager, Fyfe.
  • Harriet Angus: Biomedical Engineer, QLD Health. 
  • Christian English: Manager - Structures, Sedgman.

Get ready to be inspired as these industry experts share their experiences, challenges, and achievements during their successful careers. The event will also provide you with the opportunity to network with the panelists, Old Collegians, and other industry professionals present.

Thursday final

On Thursday at 12:30pm join us again in the Chapel to meet Old Collegians Chris Conomos and Edward Fitzgerald. Collectively, they possess more than 20 years of experience in the engineering industry, specialising in mining and construction. Now, as the principals of Proactive Projects - project delivery, and resourcing specialists for multidisciplinary engineers and project managers - they will share the inside information on where the best opportunities are and how Proactive Projects can help you get started. Added bonus! A pizza lunch will be served.

Additional Career Insights

Throughout the week, you'll also have the chance to learn about the career journeys and valuable insights gained by Old Collegians through "King's Career Catch Up”. Additionally, there will be information on professional memberships important to your Engineering or IT career. Please visit the King's online community platform's Careers page to view.

Unlock Your Future: Save the Dates!

Engineering and IT Careers Week 2023 presents an unparalleled chance to shape your future and embark on an exciting journey into your career. Mark your calendar for the following events:

  • Monday, 14 August: Lunch and Learn with Joel Martin at 12:30pm in the Chapel.
  • Monday, 14 August: Careers In Technology Virtual Session with FDM Group at 3:00pm.
  • Tuesday, 15 August: Fyfe session at 5:30pm in the Chapel.
  • Tuesday, 15 August: Watson Miles Society Professional Development Event at 6:30pm on the McCulloch Watson Terrace.
  • Thursday, 17 August: Proactive Projects at 12:30pm in the Chapel.

Join us at these events to explore your career options, gain valuable insights from industry experts, and build connections that can pave the way for your success.

All residents, associates and alumni are welcome to attend.

For further information and to register your attendance please visit

Still to come this year is Health & Medical Sciences Careers Week in September!

Your career starts here!

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