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News > The Wyvern Review > From the Dean of Student Wellbeing

From the Dean of Student Wellbeing

Wellbeing Updates
Dean of Student Wellbeing - Ms Adele Johnston
Dean of Student Wellbeing - Ms Adele Johnston


Class of 2023

What are the biggest issues facing college students?

This is a question I asked the student leadership team a couple of weeks ago. Check out the results below. Do any of these results surprise you? Are there any issues missing?

Embrace nature and keep moving

In order to take a well-needed study break to minimize stress during swot vac, we organised a walk up Mt Coot-tha. Did you know that spending just 20 minutes in nature can help to lower cortisol levels?

We also arranged some pilates classes across the road at Xtend Barre to encourage our community to keep moving. We know that exercise reduces stress and even more so when we are exercising with friends!

The King’s Podcast

One of our goals this year, was to create a ‘Kings Podcast.’ The purpose of the podcast is to gain inspiration from previous King’s collegians by sharing stories of success and failure, lessons learned and how to succeed better. Stay tuned for our first episode with Tom Baulch that will be released at the start of Semester Two!

Good luck with the rest of your exams and enjoy re-charging over the holidays.

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