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News > The Wyvern Review > From the Director of Academic & Career Services

From the Director of Academic & Career Services

Academic Updates
Director of Academic & Career Services - Mr Tony Andres
Director of Academic & Career Services - Mr Tony Andres


Class of 2023

Congratulations on (nearly) getting through all 13 weeks of the semester!  Although for many of you this is not the end, as final exams/assessments still loom, I do hope you can see the light at the end of the tunnel.  In a few weeks’ time you will all be heading home/away for the mid-year break, but in the meantime stay focused, work hard and end the semester on a high note.

With exam block beginning next week, I would like to reiterate, particularly to the first-year students, to not forget your student ID card and to ensure you have taken note of the correct time and location of your exam. Sadly, you’d be surprised how many students get these important details incorrect. It’s preferable to get to the venue 10-15 minutes before, and for exams taking place in larger venues, like the UQ Centre, it is recommended that you arrive 30 minutes before – so plan ahead!

If, for extenuating reasons, you miss/cannot sit your exam (hopefully not!) please come see me or contact me as soon as possible to discuss your options.

We are acutely aware that this time, especially, is a time where students tend be become overwhelmed and stressed about studies, exams etc. so I’d like to take a moment to remind and encourage you all to support each other and to remember that your mental health is equally important as your physical health. If you or anyone you know is struggling/not coping well, please do not hesitate to let a staff member or student leader know. We are all more than happy to assist, but unfortunately, in many cases, we can’t help unless we are made aware.

As I noted last week, the King’s Tutors will be providing additional tutorial support during the final exam/assessment period. Tutors can provide up to 3 additional hours of tutorials in the lead up to the final exam/assessment. Be sure to get in contact with your Tutor to find out when the additional tutorials will take place. And if you need a writing consultation with Brian please do let me know and I will connect you wtih him to organise a session.

All the best for your final exams/assessments!


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