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News > The Wyvern Review > From the CEO, Friday 7 June 2024

From the CEO, Friday 7 June 2024

Semester 1 draws to a close.
David Warren celebrating 20 years at King's
David Warren celebrating 20 years at King's

Thank you to the Old Collegians, parents, and prospective families who attended the ‘At Home’ in Sydney last week. Your presence made it another memorable occasion celebrating all that is wonderful about the King’s community.  What better way to finish Semester 1?  

Thérèse and I have now arrived in the United Kingdom. We have already met with several Old Collegians in London and Oxford before hosting the ‘At Home’ back in London on Saturday 15 June. On our return journey to Australia, we will host Old Collegians and current parents at the Singapore ‘At Home.’

After 20 years of dedicated service at King’s, we will farewell David Warren this month. David has been a wonderful colleague, and I would like to thank him again for all he has done for the College over the years as Bursar and, most recently, Director of Finance & Operations. The College welcomes Melanie Young, who will commence in mid-June.

Thank you to everyone for all you have done in and around the College this semester.  I hope exams go well for our Residents and Associates and you enjoy a well-deserved break. We look forward to seeing you at the start of Semester 2. 

In my absence, Andrew Eunson is the Acting CEO, and Luke Richardson is the Acting Deputy CEO.


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